Concrete Colors
Concrete colors can be mixed into any type of concrete to enhance the curb appeal of your home or building. These colors can be as bold and intense or subtle as desired and meet any budget.
Once a color is chosen a high quality mix, such as Davis Colors, is added to the concrete mix during the mixing process of the concrete. Typically up to 8 pounds of mix per 100 pounds of concrete is added depending on the concentration of color that is desired.
That Special Touch
Adding color to your concrete can add that special touch to your home or business that sets it apart from the rest. This can increase the value of your property and your own pride of ownership. In addition, you may want to consider adding some texture in addition to color can enhance your concrete even more.
Contact Whitton Concrete for more information about color mixes in your concrete, contact Whitton.
Tucson: (520) 505-3499